Reset, Recharge, & Align
Theme: Self-Care & Mindfulness
Service Description
Ladies, embrace self-love and join us for a transformative workshop designed to empower and uplift you for the year ahead. Connect with like-minded women and indulge in a day of self-care, where you'll have the options to create vision boards to manifest your dreams, experience the healing energy of Reiki, and enjoy pampering waxing services and rejuvenating mini facials. This workshop is the perfect chance to prioritize your well-being, set positive intentions, and forge meaningful connections with other women on a similar journey to self-discovery. Take this opportunity to invest in yourself and kickstart the year with a renewed sense of confidence and purpose.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
There is a 10% nonrefundable registration fee. Cancelations will only be refunded 14 days prior to the day workshop. UNA-pologetially®, Mending Hearts LLC and Mary Ann Francis are not liable for any injuries, any action of nature, dissatisfaction that may occur with collaborating with other business. Please ensure you have signed the UNA-pologetically® waiver to participate in any workshops. The waiver is good for up to one year.
Contact Details